The University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) team participated in the second day of Tanwir at the Edutorium KH Ahmad Dahlan UMS.
UMS Chancellor Prof. Sofyan Anif, M.Si, as the Host Team when met after the Tanwir trial gave an overview of the conditions for the preparation of the congress, where UMS hosted the PP Muhammadiyah congress in Surakarta.
Previously, he conveyed the preparations made before the pandemic, which was planned to be carried out in July 2020. The preparedness of the congress that had been planned started from accommodation, hotels, facilities and infrastructure, volunteers, and secretarial teams.
However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Muhammadiyah Central Executive decided to postpone the congress in 2022.
Judging from the results of the second Tanwir, it was decided that the Congress would be attended by members of the Tanwir, the Aisyiyah Regional Leaders, and the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders throughout Indonesia.
“With the decision to eliminate cheerleaders, Tanwir’s decision will be lighter, because it was estimated at around one million and now it is only 1500. UMS is ready to welcome the congress in Surakarta, the only thing that needs acceleration is readiness in the IT field, “said Sofyan.
He added that this was due to changes in the electoral system, which had previously been carried out directly at the location of the congress. After the decision of Tanwir volume II, the election was decided by e-voting.
However, in preparing for the smooth running of the congress, considering that this agenda is not only in Surakarta, but also in clusters of each region.
UMS coordinated with several parties, such as the UAD e-voting team and UMY in conducting e-voting elections.
“Even points in the Edutorium have been surveyed regarding the network used during the congress,” said the Chancellor of UMS.
On that occasion he advised, “We have to make the congress a success. Both the success of the event and success in broadcasting, “