The Graduate School of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta again held an open examination for the UMS Doctoral Program with the promovendus Ucuk Agiyatna entitled “Advocates and Law Enforcement: Study of the Role of Advocates in Law Enforcement with Spiritual Dimensions” on Wednesday (6/10).

The Open Examination was held in the Postgraduate building, 5th Floor, Campus 2 of UMS with the promoter Prof. Dr. Absori, S.H., M.H., Co Promoter Dr. Natangsa Surbakti, S.H., M.Hum and Dr. Trisno Raharjo, SH., M. Hum.

Ucuk Agiyatna’s dissertation entitled Advocates and Law Enforcement: Study of the Role of Advocates in Law Enforcement with a Spiritual Dimension which aims to formulate the concept of the role of advocates in law enforcement with a spiritual dimension as an alternative to law enforcement in Indonesia. “Alhamdulillah, the examiners gave a good appreciation,” said Ucuk.

UMS Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si. conveyed that the importance of the role of advocates in the legal dimensions and values ​​of good deeds held.

The benefit of this dissertation, he continued, is to find out how the role of advocates in law enforcement in Indonesia can be used as a reference for law enforcers, especially advocates within Muhammadiyah.

Promoter Prof. Dr. Absori, S.H., M.H hopes that promovendus will actively contribute to Muhammadiyah and immediately take care of being promoted to professor.

“I have a message to return to contribute to Muhammadiyah and immediately take care of a functional promotion to become a professor,” said Prof Absori hopefully.